Frequently Asked Questions
We are just starting, so we will be adding to this page continuously, answering the questions most frequently asked by our users. If you have a question, don't be shy, drop us a line here.
Will you use my data to train Large Language Models?
We uphold the highest standards of security, privacy, and ethical use of data. We do not employ the use of any creative materials shared or generated by our users, including uploaded scripts or versions of shotlists created on our platform, for the training of large language models.
Additionally, we will never share any of your content with third-party providers in a manner that would permit them to use it for the training of their own technology.
Your data is safe with us, and we are committed to maintaining the trust you place in our platform.
Is my script safe with you?
We understand the sensitivity of the unproduced script and we take that very seriously. Your script is safely stored on our AWS cloud server. We are committed to industry-standard security protocols and only leverage partnerships with trusted services such as Google and Auth0.
For the shot generation part of the process we are currently using OpenAI Large Language model service over secure API. Our OpenAI user agreement ensures that your script IS NOT used for training their models. Anything we send is retained by OpenAI for a short period of time for support purposes only.
As an additional security precaution, we only send one scene at a time alongside our proprietary prompts and nothing else. For example, we never disclose the name of the script or the identity of our user. The scene generation is not sequential by design. Imagine taking a whole bunch of scripts from different people, shredding them into scenes, then mixing up the pieces and feeding them into the model in a random order.
How do you create a shotlist with AI?
Shotlisting is an inherently creative and individual process. There is no one right way to shotlist. As film makers and film educators, we get this. So how do we apply AI to consistently create a shotlist draft that is useful for working professionals and aspiring filmmakers alike?
We have decomposed the process of shotlisting down to the basic steps. Imagine you are talking to a smart young person who knows nothing about filmmaking. How would you explain to them what a shotlist is? How would you describe your process of breaking down the script into a list of shots that visually tell the story? That is exactly what we did. We put together in a room a seasoned filmmaker and an AI specialist, and after several months of iterations, they came back to us with a list of steps that combine programmatic breakdown of the script into smaller chunks, feeding these smaller chunks in a structured way into different large language models with elaborate prompts, then combining the output into a list of shots that we return on screen.
A story can be told in many different ways, but remember what your film professor always told you: “You need to know the rules before you break them”. We choose to follow the fundamental rules of visual storytelling to create a list of shots that provide what we call “standard coverage with the occasional surprise shots”. From here on, it is up to you. You can add, delete, edit, whatever you like. It is your shotlist, you have full control.
How do I report a bug, provide feedback, or request a feature?
We are grateful for any feedback that can make our platform better. If you have suggestions or ideas, message us via the contact form. We read our mail!

Get in Touch
If you have a question that has not been answered yet, don't be shy, drop us a line here.