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DP plans quickly and avoids missing critical shots 


Directors of Photography (DPs) have the enviable, yet challenging job of translating the Director's creative vision into a tangible on-screen reality - from setting the look and the mood of the film, to making sure all the building blocks of storytelling are planned and in the can. In many cases, the DP ends up making the shotlist. But Shotlisting can be a time-consuming, manual process, whether you do it with a pen and paper, in a spreadsheet, or even with a traditional shotlist template software —time that could be spent focusing on the artistry of cinematography. And some times, there is not even time for that.



ShotKraft empowers DPs by simplifying and streamlining the shot-listing process, automating repetitive tasks, and organizing the shot-lists into a visually intuitive format. Now you never have to wing it on set, you can have a shooting plan in minutes, even if you end up changing it on the day. When you do have the time to plan, focus on what matters most: crafting stunning visuals that bring the story to life.


Real-Life example


"Instead of doing 4 hours, you are doing it in 1. It is getting it 90% there."

When Jason Chew got the opportunity to DP a teen drama in vertical format, he wanted to do the best job possible. Jason started his career as a gaffer and AC, working up to a cinematographer with 13 credits under his belt since 2016. His experience on many NY film sets has taught him the importance of planning and preparation.  But for this project, he had only 2 days to prep a feature, "It is kind of impossible to do it any other way. I just googled shotlist and AI and you popped up". 


ShotKraft's auto-generated shotlist gave him what he needed in terms of coverage for this specific project. "It is a great starting point for us, to get to the shots we need to tell the story." He uses the ShotKraft shotlist as a reference, making decisions on the go - sometimes, what is in the shotlists is everything he needs, and sometimes he needs to add an artistic flair. It is getting it 90% there. Instead of doing 4 hours, you are doing it in 1. "


Click below to hear directly from Jason. 

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